
Ready to reserve yours?
Here is what to anticipate!

As presales go live interested parties should complete Lot Selection Webform so we can draft paperwork to secure the desired lot for purchase.

Purchasing Process

The presales process for available lots in Elk Ridge 3rd will begin by submitting the Lot Selection Webform. It will provide us the information needed to begin drafting the Agreement for securing your lot. Once the information is received, we will reach out to confirm the details and discuss your selection.

An earnest money down payment of approximately 10% of the price of the lot will be required within 14 days of signing your Purchase Agreement. Both the executed Purchase Agreement along with the collection of the earnest money payment fully secures your lot.

To keep the hold on your selection lot along with the presale discount being offered, final closing will need to occur on or before May 31, 2024.               

We will walk you through each of these steps as the process plays out but feel free to reach out at any point with questions on the purchasing process.    

Note: The earnest money is credited toward your final payment on the lot at closing. The earnest money is nonrefundable after it is collected should you elect to terminate your purchase agreement and not purchase your lot.  If a different available lot is preferred at a future date before the lot closing occurs, then you will be allowed to amend the purchase agreement to purchase an alternate lot at Elk Ridge with the pricing adjusted off any pricing difference. 

Development Completion Timeline

When can I start construction on a home? The toughest question of all is there’s no one-size fits-all timeline in real estate development, especially when North Dakota’s weather plays a role. We anticipate substantial completion of the development in Elk Ridge 3rd this coming Fall, with the city then allowing building permits to be issued.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

We have been involved in over 250 lot sale transactions since 2019 and are here to help you throughout this process.






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                                We have been involved in over 250 lot sale transactions since 2019 and are here to help you throughout this process.